Tuesday, 28 February 2017

Q.1.2 Facebook in a quest to mitigate the effects of infrastructure and the digital divide have launched Project Aquila. The problem of infrastructure is prevalent in Africa. Discuss the implication of all the different forms of the digital divide.

Digital Divide is the relation between social and economical factors and other  inconsistencies between those individuals whom have the possibilities and required skills which will give them the ability to gain from digital resources, particularly the internet and even from people who don't have the opportunities and skills the same as these individuals. In short, people who are digitally divided are people who do not have the skills to use the internet or people who do not have access to the internet.

Research conveys that people between the ages of 18-35 are more aware of digital access or digital citizenship than people older than them. This is obviously because the older generation weren't exposed to the online world from the beginning as the younger generation have been. Since the 1990's everything including communication, the buying and selling of good etc. has been modified to make life easier for citizens but because the older generation has not been exposed to technology as much as the younger generation has, the older generation may be left behind. (Newton, 2013)

The implications of digital divide:
                     Parents have been left stranded because their children have more knowledge about the digital world. This causes a gap between the parents and their children which can cause problems because the children's online lives are a mystery to their parents.
                     Digital divide also causes cyberbullying because parents are unaware of what their teens are up to on the net. (Newton, 2013)
                     Its difficult for parents who aren't informed about technology to protect their children from the negatives of the internet and social networks. (Newton, 2013)
                     People whom are digitally divided don't understand when people who use social network jargon or text-speak speak which can cause a barrier of communication between these people. (Newton, 2013)

                     People whom are digital divided have less friends than those who up to date with technology because its easier and quicker to make friends online. (Newton, 2013)

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