Tuesday 28 February 2017

Q.5.1 There has been an exponential increase in the usage of smart phones in the last decade. Some students now use smart phones to cheat on tests and assignments. Develop an Acceptable Use Policy concerning the use of smart phones for the Independent Institute of Education to be implemented at the various campuses.

Cellphone lockers should be implemented at all schools and campuses so that students can lock their cellphones in a place where they know their cellphones will be safe and therefore teachers/lecturers could also trust that their students are honest and this will also avoid conflicts for both the institution and the student. If a scholar fails to complete this instruction for a fairly acceptable reason, they should inform the teacher/lecturer about this and the teacher/lecturer should confiscate the device and give it back to them after the test or exam has been completed. If a learner is found with the possession of a device, the device should be checked to see whether or not there is evidence of learner/student cheating. If the learner is found of cheating, s/he should be punished by the school confiscating the device for the rest of the semester and the school should implement which ever strategy they have for learners whom are found cheating. If the device has no evidence of the learner/student cheating, it should be given back immediately after the duration of the test or examination. (University of Washington, 2017)

Q.4.1 Digital Etiquette Use your cell phone to create a short video for tertiary students on the importance of netiquette and why it is important. Discuss the role it plays in all aspects of our lives. Upload the video on to your blog.

Q.3.1 Discuss the Internet of Things and how it will affect businesses in South Africa. Identify a sector in the industry and detail how it will be impacted.

The internet of things has had an amazing impact on Africa. Things have evolved much more further than it has been in the 1900's. More businesses are starting to use technology more often in order to be closer to their customers.

The more things evolve businesses will now be forced to redefine their traditional values and have to adapt more to the internet and technology. Business would now have to adapt physically, for example their products and services would now have to be digitally delivered and even processed.

Minors have already adapted to the digital world and started to use monitors and sensors in their workplace.

The automotive industry has already also adapted and started using monitors and sensors with the cars to ensure hands-free driving, traffic optimism and in order to avoid accidents.

In the hospitality sector, the rooms have received heat sensors in order for the staff to be able to detect when there is heat in the room so they'd know when to clean it.

Q.2.3 Provide a few tips on how one can manage their digital footprint?

                     People should think twice when posting or sending something online especially when it comes to jokes because some people might find it offensive.
                     When online, people should avoid acting out of emotion and always stick to the facts because others don't always interpret messages and posts online, the way they would react to it face-to-face. (Digital Citizenship Module Manual, 2016: 60)

                     Also do not lie when online. Avoid conflicts yes, but do not post things that you wouldn't want people in your daily lives to be aware about. (Digital Citizenship Module Manual, 2016: 60)

Q.2.2 Digital footprints can be construed as trails that digital citizens leave online. Do you think that digital footprints could become a problem? Discuss.

Yes I do believe that digital footprint could become a problem because in the online world as this is an individual's online reputation. If something is posted or sent it is there forever, whether the person who has posted or sent it has, changed there perception of the content or not. The problem is that if it is something negative, others perception of this person will be based on that one negative action. This will mean that the people whom are online, who know or have seen the mistake will base the trust, reliability or perspective of an individual completely on their digital footprint. (Digital Citizenship Module Manual, 2016: 60)

Q.2.1 Unemployment between the ages of 15 and 24 has reached a staggering 71 million (ILO, 2016). Solution fluency is a guided problem solving framework that consists of six D’s. Use the solution fluency process to solve unemployment problems in your area. Provide a brief background of your area and how you intend to tackle this problem.

                     I stay in a urban community whereby the unemployment of the youth is at a high rate. Most didn't or still don't have the the opportunities to get an education mostly because of financial reasons. I intend to inform individuals on ways to get an education and ways to find jobs.

Solution fluency process for unemployment:

                     Define: Unemployment is a process whereby a person who is passively seeking for work but is unable to find a job. (Investopedia, 2017)
                     Discover: Unemployment occurs when the economy is not working at its full capacity. For example, if a recession occurs, it will lead to negative economic growth. Unemployment occurs because people aren't dedicated  enough to stick to a certain job, they don't have the required skills for the jobs which are available or people aren't determined to work. This mainly occurs because of the lack in education. (Investopedia 2017)
                     Dream: It will be impossible to solve unemployment completely, but there are ways to decrease the rate of unemployment. A option could be for the government to create more awareness through the media and make the programmes which are available for the youth of South Africa easier and more available for them. The government should also involve the youth when discussing the ways on how to implement the programmes. The youth should also be on alert for specific schemes rather than waiting on the government to deliver it to them on a silver platter. (fin24, 2016)
                     Design: Non-profit organizations should start by creating programmes to support the youth which will boost confidence in the youth and this will boost the confidence the public has in the youth. With this being done, individuals and other organizations will start to support the youth whom cannot provide themselves with education, with the means or finances. Citizens who believe in our youth should also start raising their voices in the media for the youth to take part in discussing the ways to implement the programmes which are meant for the youth. The youth themselves should also make themselves more available to read newspapers, magazines, watch television and listen to the radio so that they can be up to date with what opportunities are available for them. (fin24, 2016)
                     Deliver: There are already many productions which inform the youth about ways on how to defeat unemployment, but I would suggest that a play of somebody average who was also unemployed for various reasons be organized and performed infront of a live audience. The play should only display the truth about unemployment, the steps taken to overcome employment and how our youth can help one another fight unemployment and stay employed. This production should be presented at schools, community malls and even colleges. (fin24, 2017)

                     Debrief: Yes, in my opinion all the above statements are true. Research has proven proven it so. (fin24, 2017)

Q.1.4 Create a LinkedIn account and subscribe to two at least 2 groups that are relevant to your field of study. Add a link of your profile to your blog.
